Jane Switzer


Ryan Patrick Gillis, 1984-2014

A happy-go-lucky child, he fell into drugs as an adolescent. After hitting rock bottom, he discovered yoga and a new love of life.


David Edward Frenette, 1993-2014

An adventurer and avid reader, he was drawn to danger. He hoped to be a war correspondent and travel the world.


Jay William McGinn, 1985-2014

A fearless child, he was the first to try anything. After years living the life of a nomad, he finally found a place to call home.


Ryerson’s president right on hazing

Crawling through slush isn’t harmless fun


Is a journalism degree worth doing?

A Ryerson graduate shares some advice

High School

Let’s lower the voting age to 16

The Twitter generation is engaged and deserves a say


What students are talking about today (December 14th edition)

Astronauts, McGill’s budget cuts and UBC’s animal research


What students are talking about today (December 13th edition)

Puppy parties, NHL lockout and the plot to kill Bieber


What students are talking about today (December 12th edition)

The pope’s first tweet, Mount Royal’s money woes and beer for your cold


What students are talking about today (December 11th edition)

University dean suspended, Christmas cards for criminals and more Ikea monkey


Queen’s University to construct two new residences

Project will cost an estimated $70-million