Kady O'Malley

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Was the Manning Conference the whole picture of Canadian conservatism?

Kady O’Malley wraps up her coverage of the Manning Conference with a caveat about drawing too many sweeping conclusions from one weekend


Manning Manifests: CBC a prime target as conference winds down

The annual Manning Conference wraps up with a lively discussion on whether to sell the CBC outright, or just scale back its journalistic operations.


Manning Manifests: Who wants to talk media bias? Pretty much everyone.

Kady O’Malley shares her observations from the second round of Saturday’s panel sessions at the Manning Conference.


Manning Manifests: Campus censorship, deficits and the U.S. election

Kady O’Malley was on the panel circuit at the Manning Centre conference this morning. Here’s what she saw and heard.


Manning Manifests: What to expect from Day Two

Kady O’Malley previews the official programme for the second — and final — day of the Manning Conference.

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Why Conservatives need to shake up their leadership debates

The Tory leadership debate at the Manning Conference offered a different format, but no one was knocked off finely tuned talking points

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A Trump North revolution? Not so much

Despite a ‘Down With The Elites?’ panel, a keynote, and stray hats, Kady O’Malley can’t see much proof of Trumpism at Canada’s right-wing convention

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As the party veers right, Preston Manning takes centre stage

Kady O’Malley recaps Friday morning at the Manning Centre Conference, including two major keynotes


Manning Manifests: What to expect from Day One

Kady O’Malley previews the programme as Day One of the Manning Conference gets underway


Manning Manifests: The C/conservatives are coming!

Kady O’Malley will be filing regular dispatches from the yearly event once described as “Woodstock for conservatives.”


And the ITQ Awesome Department of the Week Award goes to …

PCO — yes, that PCO — for fulfilling one of ITQ’s most oft-muttered wishes with this not-quite-complete-but-getting-there online archive of commissions of inquiry past, from the 1981 MacDonald report on the state of the RCMP  to H.C. Cogston’s 1914 investigation into the decision to turn away  “300 Hindu passengers” of the Komagata Maru.


Harris Decima/CP: … Then again, maybe not.

Slightly less blue-rose-coloured numbers from Harris Decima, which polled from October 1 to 12 — and wouldn’t you like to see those day-by-day breakdowns? — with a 2.2 margin of error: