Melinda Maldonado

Melinda Maldonado joins the digital team at Maclean’s after stints at The Canadian Press, Toronto Star and The Globe and Mail. Melinda holds a Master in Journalism from Ryerson University, and has lived in Guatemala, Ecuador and South Korea.

Karen Duffy tells story on Peruvian TV

News weekly program airs segment titled ‘Mi Padre El Senador’


Mining for the truth in Guatemala

What lawsuits claiming rape and murder in a Guatemalan jungle mean for Canadian companies abroad


Video: Remembering D-Day, 70 years later

“We just thought it was like another exercise. All of a sudden we’re going to France. It’s the day. It’s the D-Day.”


Photos from the Green Acres Hutterite colony

Photographer Kelly Hofer finds beauty in the restrictive Hutterite colony that pushed him away


Boothe vs. Coyne spar over Hudak’s million jobs plan

One ‘Million Jobs Plan.’ Two writers. And a whole lot of bad math. Let the Twitter spat ensue.


Maya Angelou dies at 86

The renowned poet, author and civil rights activist passed away Wednesday in Winston-Salem, North Carolina


Listen: Noémi Mercier discusses Maclean’s cover story

Noémi Mercier and Alec Castonguay’s investigation took them across Canada and to Afghanistan as they pored through documents, interviewed officials and spoke with victims


Soundslide: A final farewell to Jim Flaherty

Photo and audio highlights from the funeral of the former Finance Minister


Listen: 5 days of Pistorius testimony ends

Defence wraps up its cross-examination of Pistorius after 5 emotional days on the stand


Ford shatters Canadian stereotypes, Bill Clinton tells Jimmy Kimmel

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford provided fodder for Jimmy Kimmel Live—again—after saying he mistakenly voted against two council motions


Loretta Barbara Grace Saunders, 1987-2014

After living on the streets, she wanted to make something of her life. In grad school, she studied missing Aboriginal women.


Video: Tory buttons a hit at Manning Conference

Rob Ford and Justin Trudeau didn’t have to show up to make the rounds