Real theme of Harry Potter lost in all that snogging

In case you missed it, us humans just aren’t worthy in the realm of Harry Potter

Forget that Harry Potter snogs Ginny Weasley in the sixth Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. The most interesting part of the film occurs at the beginning and revolves around the overwhelming idiocy of Muggles, those unfortunate folk who possess no ability to stun, charm or otherwise commit magical acts. They see acts that defy the laws of physics and logic yet never ask, “Hey, who are you? “Why are you wearing those bizarre clothes? What’s that stick for? What’s going on?”

Sure enough, humans are oblivious as three Evil Death Eaters swoop through the skies of  London, leaving black entrails in their wake. There is only mild curiosity before Lord Foster’s streamlined elegant Millennium Bridge is pulled and twisted apart. Finally it collapses, plunging hapless Muggle pedestrians into the Thames River. Similarly, pedestrians in London’s busy subway system pay no attention to Dumbledore—and his floor-length satin robes and long grey hair and beard.

The message is clear: Muggles are totally reliant on good wizards and witches to keep them safe from Lord Voldemort and his minions. And this theme isn’t just a big-screen liberty. Muggles are idiots in the books too. For example, the Minister of Magic enters 10 Downing Street at his leisure to update the befuddled PM on all the chaos in the magical world. And the supercilious wizard doesn’t even think to ask for Muggle help.

So while the series is about good magical folk battling evil, the subtext is that Muggles just aren’t up to the task. The Harry Potter moral may be that every one can chose their own path and must decide what side they are on, but Muggles are denied that opportunity. They just aren’t worthy.