Medical school in Canada: What does it take to get in?

Comparing admission statistics from medical schools across the country.

Medical School in Canada Student

Medical School in Canada Student

Gaining admission to medical school is competitive. As the table below shows, the number of prospective students applying to medical school vastly outnumbers the places available. In-province applicants are generally more successful in gaining a spot than those applying out of province. The grade point average (GPA) shows the average for successful applicants, as does the medical college admission test (MCAT).

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*GPA is from fall 2014.

**Located at Lakehead and Laurentian universities.

Statistics on applicants and admissions are for 2015-16. MCAT and GPA scores are for students entering in fall 2015. Sources: Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada; MCAT scores obtained directly from Canadian medical schools.

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