CUSA reviews anti pro-life policy

Pro-life club could regain status in December

A motion to change the Carleton University Students Association’s policy against pro-life clubs was introduced to council on Wednesday. The students’ association and student group Carleton Life had been exchanging letters over the past several weeks, which culminated with the group losing its certification.

In a letter to Carleton Lifeline, CUSA informed the group that if it did not alter its contitution by Thursday Nov 18, that it would not receive student group status. The group had received status last year. CUSA wants the pro-life group to bring its constitution inline with the students’ association’s pro-choice stance. The motion to change CUSA’s policy to permit pro-life groups to gain certification will be voted on next month.

Without official club status Carleton Lifeline would not receive the same funding that other student groups are entitled to, and would not be permitted to use CUSA controlled space for their advocacy. The university administration has said it does not agree with the students’ association position, and will provide the pro-life group space on campus to express their views.