More student elections: StFX, UBC, and Ryerson

Two more elections to note.

Two more elections to note.

Voter turnout at UBC was only 1214.4 per cent.

The winner of the presidential race, Blake Frederick, was disqualified by the Elections Committee for “slate-like” behaviour. The Alma Mater Society at UBC banned slates a few years ago, a good background article on the ban was published in The Ubyssey this week. (I’m planning to write on the slate-ban this weekend)

Turnout at Ryerson was up, but still very low by national standards at 14 per cent. (Thanks to Cassandra Jowett for noting this in a comment on my blog)

Voter turnout at St. Francis Xavier remains the envy of every campus in Canada with an amazing 60.24 per cent.