Post exam anxiety? You’re not alone.

Christmas vacation isn’t a vacation yet.

stress, exams, christmas vacation, anxiety

stress, exams, christmas vacation, anxietyMy last exam was almost a week ago, on December 15th, but my Christmas vacation hasn’t even started yet.

When I found out that all five of my exams were in a row, right at the beginning of exam period, I couldn’t decide if I was happy, or on the verge of developing a nervous tic.

On the one hand, writing exams sooner means less time to study. Not to mention, when your exams are literally back-to-back, one day after another, it’s harder to divide up your study time properly. How can you study for Biochemistry when Embryology is the day before? And how can you study for Embryology when Molecular biology is the day before that? And how can you study for Molecular biology when… well, you get the point.

On the other  hand, all my exams were over in one shot. And my Christmas vacation started a bit earlier than usual.

Except it didn’t. Until my final marks are released tomorrow, I can’t sit back and enjoy my vacation.

I’m stuck in post-exam purgatory.

-Photo courtesy of alancleaver_2000