Take the purity test

Every year, the Gateway, the student paper at the University of Alberta puts out a brilliant sex issue around this time of year. And every year contained within it, is a “purity test” that features a series of questions where you find out whether you are fit to to tell your grandmother about your extracurricular activities or if you should spend eternity in Dante’ Inferno. My mom will be relieved to know that my score is generally vanilla.

Every year, the Gateway, the student paper at the University of Alberta puts out a brilliant sex issue around this time of year. And every year contained within it, is a “purity test” that features a series of questions where you find out whether you are fit to to tell your grandmother about your extracurricular activities or if you should spend eternity in Dante’ Inferno. My mom will be relieved to know that my score is generally vanilla.

Here’s a sample:

Ever kissed someone (romantically) whom you later found out you were related to? (2pts)
Did it not deter you? (3pts)
Did you knowingly kiss someone (romantically) that you were related to? (4pts)
Ever practiced kissing on yourself? (2pts)

As for me, given that I go to the University of Waterloo, or as it should be called Socially Awkward U, I will be spending Valentines Day studying international trade policy.