With this post, I’m on “vacation”

I’m officially taking something called a “vacation” from my Maclean’s writing until January 5th.

I’m officially taking something called a “vacation” from my Maclean’s writing until January 5th.

I’ll try to put a few good posts together on the 5th before taking another break from this blog from January 6th until January 14th. I will be attending the Canadian University Press conference in Saskatoon during this time period.

I’ll be travelling Greyhound there and back, so it will be a forced break since I’ll be out of hi-speed wireless internet coverage for most of this time.

I will be checking my email the entire time (except the bus trip), you can reach me this way: [email protected]

I will continue updating my Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/JoeyColeman and my personal site with blog posts: http://www.joeycoleman.ca/