A Second Resurrection

With Democratic candidates, Obama and Clinton, sniping at each other, it is becoming more and more evident that the outcome of the November election is not a sure thing. It is highly probable that the Democrats will not have an official nominee by June making it likely that the Obama – Clinton clash will be more divisive. If Obama wins the popular vote, the pledged delegate count and the majority of states, it will be left to the super delegates to either confirm his advantage or decide to nominate Hillary Clinton. If the latter happens, you can be sure that the Democrats are in for a nightmare showdown.

With Democratic candidates, Obama and Clinton, sniping at each other, it is becoming more and more evident that the outcome of the November election is not a sure thing. It is highly probable that the Democrats will not have an official nominee by June making it likely that the Obama – Clinton clash will be more divisive. If Obama wins the popular vote, the pledged delegate count and the majority of states, it will be left to the super delegates to either confirm his advantage or decide to nominate Hillary Clinton. If the latter happens, you can be sure that the Democrats are in for a nightmare showdown.

It seems that Clinton intends to make it a real battle up to the end. It is her right and she has credentials to justify her continued quest for the presidency. However, this was a campaign that she should have won in early February. Maybe she is ready for Day-One but her campaign has been poorly planned, negative, and unfocused. She may be doing better lately but it is obvious a Clinton victory will not unify her party.

This leads us to the Republican side and John McCain. Three months ago no one would have predicted that John McCain would be the nominee.  Against all odds and facing strong opposition from the right wing of the Republican Party, his candidacy was resurrected in the New Hampshire primary. From that point on, he eliminated his opponents in a decisive manner.  This was the first resurrection. He now has the luxury to prepare for an uncontested convention, the selection of the vice-presidential nominee, fundraising, sharper policy initiatives, and look presidential as he meets foreign leaders.

In recent days I have had the opportunity to delve into greater detail the life of John McCain. This authentic American hero is the last candidate a divided Democratic Party should want to meet. He is attractive to independents, is far from being an extension of George W. Bush and is a reassuring figure in a world of peril. Like it or not, we may be observing the second resurrection of John McCain which can only spell trouble for the Democrats in November.