A voice of sanity in RoboGate [sic]

Hélène Buzzetti, of Le Devoir’s Ottawa bureau, makes a very sage point about all this robocall business, by way of  Jean-Pierre Kingsley, former director of Elections Canada.

Hélène Buzzetti, of Le Devoir’s Ottawa bureau, makes a very sage point about all this robocall business, by way of  Jean-Pierre Kingsley, former director of Elections Canada.

“[Kingsley] assures that Elections Canada has the means to investigate the question [of potential voter fraud], either with its own resources and those of the RCMP, which is already implicated, or by hiring outside firms.”

Exactly. The worst possible thing to happen to the investigation is to have the whole robocall bru-ha-ha-ha chucked into the maw of the shout-y, festering beast that is the House of Commons.

In passing, there’s a very easy way of at least mitigating the robocall problem: have an Elections Canada edict banning the damn things outright. But something tells me that’s not about to happen. Everyone, the NDP very much included, knows how well they work.