are you ready for “are you ready for some football?”

Do you have enough pointlessness in your life? Leading doctors say you can never be too sure. So beginning Thursday, Sept. 4th, bolster your intake of pointlessness by routinely checking out this here blog, wherein Scott Reid and I will once again a) flawlessly predict* the outcome of National Football League games, and b) find ever more creative ways to employ the word “groin.”

Do you have enough pointlessness in your life? Leading doctors say you can never be too sure. So beginning Thursday, Sept. 4th, bolster your intake of pointlessness by routinely checking out this here blog, wherein Scott Reid and I will once again a) flawlessly predict* the outcome of National Football League games, and b) find ever more creative ways to employ the word “groin.”

Right now the telltale signs of a new NFL season abound: The slight chill in the morning air. The abundance of cheese in refrigerators and on top of heads. Panicked La-Z-Boy recliners trying to make a break for the front door before their corpulent masters settle in for 11 straight hours of Sunday coverage.

It’s an exciting time. But you know what’s even more exciting than excitement? Incompetence. Which makes Couch Boys quite possibly the most exciting football blog on the face of this or any other planet.

* Predictions, while guaranteed to be flawless, may also be inaccurate.