Bill hearts Hillary

Hillary Clinton’s speech was bang-on. And yes, we can and will spend days dissecting what she didn’t say, more “how HIllary screwed it up” deconstruction that has eclipsed the fact Clinton didn’t lose the nomination, Obama won it. But what she did say was powerful, particularly her “keep going” remark, referencing  Harriet Tubman. Will it be enough to sway the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pantsuits? Who knows? That’s one aggrieved gaggle of women. More interesting is the question of whether that shade of orange (more Hermès packaging than pumpkin) will henceforth be known as “Hillary Clinton citrus,” along the lines of “Nancy Reagan red.”

The unexpected bonus of the night had to be the seemingly heartfelt delight/devotion on Bill Clinton’s face as he watched the missus knock it out of the park. Check out minute 2:46. I’m not a lip-reader but the famous horndog whose concerned meddling had a big hand in his wife’s campaign’s detonation appears to be saying: “I love you. I love you Hillary forever.” Sure, he’s a experienced pol, savvy to the camera’s constant presence, but part of me (the part that believes in unicorns and one-size-fits-all) believes it’s true. Whatever, it provides more evidence of the complex committed complicity that is the Clinton marriage.