BTC: Lighten up, Mario

This was just distributed among the transcripts of post-QP scrums. See previously, Pierre Poilievre discusses teen sex.

This was just distributed among the transcripts of post-QP scrums. See previously, Pierre Poilievre discusses teen sex.

Question: You don’t necessarily have to look into the camera.  Look off to the side. 

Mario Silva: (Text in another language.)  Is that okay or — did you get it all? 

Question: That’s all you want to say? 

Mario Silva: I think so if you got it.

Question: A quick one.

Mario Silva: Sure. 

Question: So sad that Portugal (inaudible) yesterday.  It was a great game, you know.  Just into the microphone if you would.

Mario Silva: Sure.

Question: I’m asking the silly summer question.  What are you up to this summer?  You know you’re going home to Toronto.  What the heck are you going to do?

Mario Silva: Well, there’s a lot to do in Toronto. Toronto is one of these cities where there is festivals from every community, people from all walks of life. There’s a Pride Day Parade coming up soon.  There’ll be a lot of activities around, you know, the European Cup.  So there’ll be a lot of things to do all summer and clearly a lot of things in my own riding of Davenport.

Question: So I mean everyone’s so darn serious.  I know there’s a lot of constituents you work for.  Are you going to get some time off to sit on a patio or what?

Mario Silva: No, this is going to be a busy summer for me not just because of my constituency work but I’m also going to try to finish up my thesis for my master’s.

Question: What’s it on?

Mario Silva: It’s on basically on the convention against torture and rendition.  Serious topic. 

Question: Thanks.