Canada… the Final Frontier

This is simply the best idea I have heard in years: Shatner wants to be Prime Minister. 

This is simply the best idea I have heard in years: Shatner wants to be Prime Minister. 

I was always a fan, but I’ve loved Shatner ever since he wrote me and my friend Adam a letter in 1992 calling us “twits”.

What happened was the students at McGill voted to rename the Student Union the William Shatner University Centre, much to the dismay of the admin. Shatner told SSMU that he was honoured, and wanted to give a gift to the students. So Adam and I wrote Shatner and asked him to be the official sponsor of our satirical magazine, and he wrote us back saying that he wasn’t going to give us a few grand just so we could tell our kids that we were two of the biggest twits at McGill University. I still have the letter. 

Here’s Shatner’s Fame Audit from Fametracker. I think it is the best thing Fametracker ever published, which is not surprising since the sadly-defunct website is run by Adam Sternbergh. Who, incidentally, was at McGill at the same time. 

Meanwhile, Shatner’s Life and Times biography is spectacular. The CBC should run it every night. 

Shatner for PM!

UPDATE: Warren Kinsella’s on board, so we have our war room.

UPDATE II: I think it is time for the CBC to re-run their Life and Times doc on Shatner. So this comment thread is now a petition:

Dear CBC: 

Please run, as soon as possible, your Life and Times Documentary on William Shatner. 


Andrew Potter (and the undersigned)
