Doctor brain drain reversed

American doctors head north in record numbers

Medical recruiters in Ontario and British Columbia are reporting record numbers of doctors moving north. Statistics from the Canadian Institute for Health Information confirmed five years ago that more Canadian-trained doctors were returning to Canada than leaving. However, new numbers show American-trained doctors are moving here in greater numbers than ever before, too. HeathForce Ontario, the provincial recruiter, says only 10 American-trained doctors came in 2007, but that was up to 87 in 2009. So far this year, 66 have moved to the province, putting the agency on track for a record number of recruits. British Columbia is reporting a similar increase too. Recruiters say the change is the result of higher pay and better conditions aimed at ending the doctor shortage earlier this decade. Pediatricians, psychiatrists and family doctors can now make $50,000 to $100,000 more in certain parts of Canada than they can in certain parts of the U.S. Recruiters also say Obama’s Health Care changes and the hassle of dealing with insurance companies is make medicine less appealing in the U.S. than ever before.

National Post
