Dr. Evil Finds his Mini-Me

The man tasked with finding a new ME for the WSJ is Murdoch lieutenant Robert Thomson. Mr. Thomson found himself. So much for the independent-oversight board.

The man tasked with finding a new ME for the WSJ is Murdoch lieutenant Robert Thomson. Mr. Thomson found himself. So much for the independent-oversight board.

More importantly, Mr. Murdoch could trust him to implement his vision for the paper. Aside from the six years working together on the London paper, the two men have much in common, though Mr. Thomson is 47 and Mr. Murdoch 77. Both are Australian natives, have Chinese wives and are raising young children. They have vacationed together and even share the same birthday, March 11.

Acutally, the title of this post is a total joke. While I’m a bit trepidatious of RM’s plan to go toe to toe with the Times, the fact is, he’s going to be pumping money and resources into the WSJ. It’s going to be fun to watch and exciting as hell.