Former U.S. official says Iran has too much leeway

“It may be too late” to stop it from getting nuclear weapons

A former top official with the U.S. government says “it may be too late to stop Iran from becoming nuclear-capable.” The unnamed official, who The Times describes as having “long experience with several U.S. administrations” says Barack Obama hasn’t been forceful enough to dissuade Tehran from pursuing nuclear weapons. “Fifteen months into [Obama’s] administration,” the official says, “Iran has faced no significant consequences for continuing with its uranium-enrichment program, despite two deadlines set by Obama, which came and went without anything happening.” One nightmare scenario evoked by the official had Iran passing its weapons off to Hezbollah which could use them against Israel or its other enemies in the region. Meanwhile, Iran announced on Monday that it was moving ahead with the construction of a third nuclear site to go along with those in Natanz and Qom.

The Times of London