Inheritance wave coming to save Canadian baby boomers

Baby boomers have been accused of leaving behind nothing but pollution and debt to their subsequent generations, but this report by Moneyville indicates they might not all die with holes in their pockets. Citing different sources, the report calculates that baby boomers are poised to inherit about $1 trillion over the next two decades as their parents and other close old relatives die. The money could be used to help the post-World War II generation sail through retirement and even contribute to the Canadian economy with a new wave of late-life investments, such as in real estate. These, in turn, would end up in the hands of the next generation.

Baby boomers have been accused of leaving behind nothing but pollution and debt to their subsequent generations, but this report by Moneyville indicates they might not all die with holes in their pockets. Citing different sources, the report calculates that baby boomers are poised to inherit about $1 trillion over the next two decades as their parents and other close old relatives die. The money could be used to help the post-World War II generation sail through retirement and even contribute to the Canadian economy with a new wave of late-life investments, such as in real estate. These, in turn, would end up in the hands of the next generation.