Just call them al-PETA

Liberal MP wants animal rights group investigated as a terrorist organization

A Newfoundland and Labrador MP wants Fisheries Minister Gail Shea’s pie-wielding attacker to be considered a terrorist. “When someone actually coaches or conducts criminal behaviour to impose a political agenda on each and every other citizen of Canada, that does seem to me to meet the test of a terrorist organization,” Liberal MP Gerry Byrne told a radio station in St. John’s. “I am calling on the Government of Canada to actually investigate whether or not this organization, PETA, is acting as a terrorist organization under the test that exists under Canadian law.” The animal rights group PETA immediately claimed responsibility for the pieing of Shea at an event in Burlington, Ont. In a release to the media, it claimed the stunt was part of a campaign, “to stop the government’s ill-advised sanction of the slaughter of seals.”

Canadian Press
