Justin Bieber’s North Korean tour

Internet pranksters vote up the DPRK on singer’s ‘My World Tour’ contest page

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The latest in a string of Internet pranks on Justin Bieber: a conspiracy to send the 16-year-old crooner to play a concert in North Korea. Unfortunately for the young singer, a contest on his ‘My World Tour’ website, which asks fans to vote which country he should play in next, proved too tempting for internet pranksters to resist. Users from the popular web forum ‘4chan’ conspired to vote up North Korea—which was included on the unedited list of possible countries—pushing it to the top of the list. Israel sits several thousands votes behind in the number 2 spot, and the contest closes on July 7. While it’s highly unlikely that Bieber would be granted entry to North Korea, a spokesman for the North Korean Embassy in London told BBC News that any application to tour would be dealt with by its mission to the United Nations, and then referred to Pyongyang. The BBC tartly notes that it isn’t known if Kim Jong-Il is a fan of Justin Bieber’s music.

BBC News