Liberal Family Values

The Gazette unloads on Ignatieff and his support of Denis Coderre’s attempt at pushing Stephane Dion out. After conceding that Dion’s leadership was far from glorious, the editorialist writes: “Still, he deserves better than to have his back stabbed by the likes of Denis Coderre, a party apparatchik whose contributions to Canada are minimal compared with those of Dion.”

The Gazette unloads on Ignatieff and his support of Denis Coderre’s attempt at pushing Stephane Dion out. After conceding that Dion’s leadership was far from glorious, the editorialist writes: “Still, he deserves better than to have his back stabbed by the likes of Denis Coderre, a party apparatchik whose contributions to Canada are minimal compared with those of Dion.”

This is where even long-time Liberal supporters start hoping that the party gets slaughtered in the next election, as they did circa 2005. The meme about Iggy is he’s gone from “Lionized to Dionized” in a few short months; it might be more accurate to say that he’s decided that he’d rather curate Paul Martin’s legacy than Pierre Trudeau’s.