Nearly Instant Update on Oily: Ryan Sparrow clarifies. Sort of.

UPDATE (But read the whole post if you’ve not done so already, or it won’t make any sense): If Fuelcast isn’t involved in the Conservatives’ advertising campaign, why are the commercials described as “fuelcasts” on the website? Given that “fuelcast” is a registered servicemark owned by Daktronics (which co-owns, it would seem likely to perpetuate the confusion over just what gas pump network is running the ads.

UPDATE (But read the whole post if you’ve not done so already, or it won’t make any sense): If Fuelcast isn’t involved in the Conservatives’ advertising campaign, why are the commercials described as “fuelcasts” on the website? Given that “fuelcast” is a registered servicemark owned by Daktronics (which co-owns, it would seem likely to perpetuate the confusion over just what gas pump network is running the ads.

In response to my email on the Fuelcast/fuelcast confusion, Conservative spokesperson Ryan Sparrow has this to say about the CanWest story, in which he reportedly told reporter Becky Rynor that the ads were purchased through, which I’ve reproduced in full so as not to commit metamisquotage:

Misquote all of our ads are bought through a media buyer

To which I replied with:

Okay, so they won’t be running on Fuelcast? What gas pump network will you be using?

His full response:

They will be running

So, anyone know of any other gas-pump media networks with beachheads in 416-905 country?