Ottawa demands CRTC overturn decision on usage-based billing

Industry minister announces decision on Twitter

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What better way to challenge a regulator’s decision to end unlimited Internet use than by announcing it via Twitter? That’s exactly what Industry Minister Tony Clement, the most active Twitterer on Parliament Hill, did on Wednesday, when he tweeted “CRTC must go back to drawing board” on usage-based billing. The tweet was followed by a somewhat heated exchange with Maclean’s own Andrew Coyne over the merits of foreign competition and the government’s approach to trade policy. Prime Minister Harper has also personally intervened in the CRTC’s decision to allow telecom companies to charge consumers who exceed their bandwidth caps. The ruling also prevents smaller Internet service providers from providing unlimited access to consumers by leasing network space from larger telecom companies. CRTC chair Konrad von Finckenstein will appear before the House Industry Committee on Thursday to explain the ruling.

The Globe and Mail

