Ryan O’Neal hits on his daughter

Actor made a pass at the wrong woman at Farrah Fawcett’s funeral

With the death of Farrah Fawcett, her longtime companion Ryan O’Neal is still finding ways to inject himself into her story in vaguely creepy ways. In an article in Vanity Fair, he talks about his behaviour at Fawcett’s funeral: just after he put her coffin into the hearse, he went up to a beautiful blonde woman and said “Do you have a drink on you? Do you have a car?” The woman replied: “Daddy, it’s me—Tatum!” Yes, O’Neal had hit on his own daughter, Tatum, who won an Oscar for co-starring with him in the movie Paper Moon. Tatum explained to Vanity Fair that he doesn’t do that as a rule; he just didn’t recognize her because “it had been a few years since we’d seen each other, and he always was a ladies’ man, a bon vivant.” So O’Neal didn’t intentionally make a pass at his daughter, he just can’t resist hitting on strange women at his lover’s funeral, and he’s so estranged from his daughter that he didn’t know who she was. That’s all perfectly normal.

Vanity Fair