What to get the ex-couple who has everything: His ‘n’ hers orders to compel

At least now Julie Couillard’s lawyer can’t complain that she’s being treated any differently than her ex-minister ex-boyfriend:

At least now Julie Couillard’s lawyer can’t complain that she’s being treated any differently than her ex-minister ex-boyfriend:

Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security
Notice of Motion from Hon. Ujjal Dosanjh

That the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security report to the House that the Member for Beauce refuses to testify before the Committee on matters relating to national security, and that

the Committee recommends that the House order the Member for Beauce to appear before the Committee on Date and Time to be determined by this committee;

and Ms. Julie Couillard having been invited to appear before the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security on Wednesday, June 18, 2008 and having failed to appear, this Committee send for her and her relevant papers and records by summons and that the summons be for the hearing for the Date and Time to be determined by this Committee; and in the event Ms. Julie Couillard declines to appear, that the chair on behalf of the committee report to the house seeking an order to compel her to attend.