For the record: Text of Toronto’s executive committee letter on Rob Ford

Toronto’s executive committee has just released the following letter asking Toronto Mayor Rob Ford to address allegations that he faces:

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Toronto’s executive committee has just released the following letter asking Toronto Mayor Rob Ford to address allegations that he faces:

As Members of Toronto’s Executive Committee, we would like to assure all Torontonians that the city’s business continues without interruption. Committees are at work, community meetings are going forward and constituent issues are being resolved. Toronto’s government – from city council to standing committees to everyday neighbourhood issues – is moving forward.

Nevertheless, the city needs continuity and leadership.

We ask the Mayor to definitively address the allegations before him. The allegations need to be addressed openly and transparently. We are encouraging the Mayor to address the matter so that we can continue to focus on serving the people of Toronto.


Deputy Mayor Doug Holyday,

Peter Milczyn,

Jaye Robinson,

Cesar Palacio,

Gary Crawford,

Michael Thompson