Think you know more than one of Canada’s smartest people? Prove it!

Our big biweekly trivia test is one of the toughest quizzes around. But our Genius, Peter Dyakowski, is CFL-tough. Can you beat his 73%?

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Welcome back to the Maclean’s Quiz, a diversion designed by Terrance Balazo to test your trivia skills. Good luck, and remember: no Internet assistance allowed.

We’ve also invited the Maclean’s Genius, Peter Dyakowski, to take the quiz. Dyakowski is a lineman with the CFL’s Saskatchewan Roughriders who also bested the competition in CBC’s Canada’s Smartest Person contest in 2012. And we don’t call him our genius for nothing—he solved the viral Singapore brain teaser that had been stumping the Internet. (And during his workout, no less!) And if you love trivia, try your hand at our daily Canada 150 Quiz Countdown, our five-question mini-quizzes about our home and native land from Terrance—where you could win a prize, every day until Canada Day!

This week, we tested Dyakowski on everything from toilet theme parks and chlorofluorocarbons to celebrity couple portmanteaux and Victorian theatre slang. How did he do? “I was OK, but by widely distributing this quiz we are putting others in danger—you should include a big spoiler-alert disclaimer before question 30.” You’ve been warned, dear quiz-taker, as you try to beat Peter’s 73 per cent score this week.

Try the Quiz now!