Canada has nothing to tell the world

That’s the conclusion one must draw from the decision to can the program under which the Canadian government sent artists abroad, chronicled here by ITQ. Not for the first time, I’m left wishing the Harper government would work a little harder at imitating the Bush administration. Here are a few cultural and public diplomacy initiatives the State Department has funded in recent months:

That’s the conclusion one must draw from the decision to can the program under which the Canadian government sent artists abroad, chronicled here by ITQ. Not for the first time, I’m left wishing the Harper government would work a little harder at imitating the Bush administration. Here are a few cultural and public diplomacy initiatives the State Department has funded in recent months:

• Sent eight U.S. college and university presidents to Brazil and Chile;

• Sent a former Major League Baseball player to Panama to help kids handle pop flies and grounders;

• Co-ordinated literature exchanges between publishing houses in the United States and partner publishers in Mexico, Pakistan and Northern Ireland.

All as part of a Global Cultural Initiative under the personal patronage of President and Mrs. Bush. Bunch of Communists.