Disagreeing with Kelly Block

Kelly Block’s refugee health care flyer draws a protest outside her constituency office.

Kelly Block’s refugee health care flyer draws a protest outside her constituency office.

More than 250 people gathered outside the constituency office of Conservative MP Kelly Block on Saturday to protest what they call the “racist” and “divisive” message of a mail-out sent two weeks ago by the MP that applauds a recent decision by the federal government to end free dental and vision care and prescriptions for certain refugees.

Some placards at the rally went as far as calling the mail-out “xenophobic.” Others say Block’s message is politically motivated and misinformed. “They are intentionally sowing division for their own political gain,” Dr. Mahli Brindamour told the crowd. “This offensive flyer fosters intolerance by pitting Canadians against each other and against some of the world’s most vulnerable populations.”

Last week, the NDP’s Jinny Sims pointed to a similar flyer sent out by Conservative MP Scott Reid.