From the far corner of the room, laments for it all

Stephane Dion and Elizabeth May talk to iPolitics about the carbon pricing brouhaha.

Stephane Dion and Elizabeth May talk to iPolitics about the carbon pricing brouhaha.

“If the best we get from the so-called leadership of the Conservatives and the NDP is to run away from a good idea, I find it absolutely shocking,” May said. “I think Mr. Mulcair, should be ashamed for the role the NDP has had in the past and currently in demonizing the carbon tax.”

… On Tuesday, Dion remained incredulous about the approach the Conservatives — and the prime minister — are taking. “It’s quite something,” he said. “You have two problems: A prime minister whose obviously distorting the truth, and second, a prime minister whose proud of the fact that he’s not putting a price on greenhouse gas emissions – the only one that I know of around the world. It’s two scandals in one.”

“I hope one day it will backfire and the prime minister will pay the price, the political price for it,” he said.