Georgia/Russia: So now I’m in a fight and Sarko is seriously not helping. I feel Saakashviliesque.

So much has happened. Let me catch you up.

So much has happened. Let me catch you up.

In addition to umpty-dump blog postings on the current unpleasantness in South Ossetia and points west, south and east, I have today published a column in our print edition saying, more clearly than the blog posts do, that I think Georgia must be left, with regret, more or less to its fate.

Now Andrew Coyne rebuts.

And there it will have to stay until this evening, when I will have much to say.

UPDATE: Let me briefly, while the rest of my flight boards ahead of me, outline what can only be called the villainy of Nicolas Sarkozy, who spent the weekend “negotiating” a “peace” on behalf of half a billion Europeans. We have already seen that Sarko gave away the farm to the hard-nosed Russians. But it’s worse than that. The language of the deal gave the Russians a pretext for pushing their action after the nominal ceasefire hour. And it turns out that when in Moscow, Sarko told Medvedev that there was no point demanding the ouster of Saakashvili because the Georgian president had already “cooked” himself.

You stay classy, Nicolas.