Harper on hockey

Postmedia publishes the Prime Minister’s foreword to Paul Henderson’s new book.

Postmedia publishes the Prime Minister’s foreword to Paul Henderson’s new book.

I guess the thing on my mind these days continues to be this problem with the equipment and head shots. This Sidney Crosby thing really has me just furious. I saw the hit in the Washington game and I couldn’t believe it—no penalty, no suspension, no complaint from the Penguins.

I find this amazing and as someone who followed the Oilers Cup teams, I couldn’t imagine someone doing that to Gretzky, I just can’t. I’m mystified by it, but I hope the powers that be wake up. I’m concerned that Sidney Crosby is not back. This is the best player in the game today, and if this is as serious as it’s starting to look, then I think the game has to really look at itself. You cannot allow this kind of thing to happen!

Last month, the editors of this magazine suggested Mr. Harper might use his influence to push the NHL toward reform.