How about a part-time Parliament?

It turns out that adding and distributing seats in the House of Commons is complicated. Those particularly concerned about the cost of representative democracy might find inspiration in Rick Perry’s plan for Congress.

It turns out that adding and distributing seats in the House of Commons is complicated. Those particularly concerned about the cost of representative democracy might find inspiration in Rick Perry’s plan for Congress.

The U.S. does not need a full-time Congress that is more focused on increasing its perks instead of reducing spending. America needs a part-time, Citizen Congress – populated with those who choose to serve not for profit, or for the promise of a high-paying lobbyist job, but for the good of their communities, states, and the nation. Even with a 50 percent pay-cut, Congressional members would still make a significantly higher income than the average American. By changing the way Congress operates, and moving towards a part-time legislature, Congressman will have the freedom to live in their communities, engage their constituents, and truly speak for the people they represent. Rules preventing members of Congress from holding private sector jobs must also be repealed. – When lawmakers hold the same types of jobs as their constituents, they will gain a much greater understanding of how congressional laws impact the real world.