How bout now?

After this and this comes this new attempt to pin Canadians down on what they will and will not accept from their Parliament.

After this and this comes this new attempt to pin Canadians down on what they will and will not accept from their Parliament.

The party with the most seats forms the government and seeks support from other parties on a case-by-case basis. Acceptable 72% Unacceptable 12%

The party with the most seats enters into a coalition with another party in order to form a government. Acceptable 57% Unacceptable 27%

Two or more parties, none of which have the most seats individually, enter into a coalition in order to form a majority government. Acceptable 48% Unacceptable 33%

Of course, none of those options appear on anyone’s ballot. And these options don’t fully cover the options available to the parties in Parliament.