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Joyce Murray is the second Liberal MP to declare her candidacy for the Liberal leadership. And she seems to be borrowing Nathan Cullen’s idea of riding-level runoffs.

Joyce Murray is the second Liberal MP to declare her candidacy for the Liberal leadership. And she seems to be borrowing Nathan Cullen’s idea of riding-level runoffs.

Murray says she believes Liberals, New Democrats and Greens should have the option of conducting run-off nominations to choose a single candidate in tightly contested ridings where a united progressive front would guarantee defeat of the ruling Tories … To make sure Harper is ejected from that seat, she said riding associations need to be able to co-operate with rivals. “There are some ridings where the vast majority of voters would like to have a progressive voice,” she said. “So, if a riding is willing to have a run-off (nomination) so that the progressive voice has a chance of becoming elected, then that’s something that I think is a good idea.” 

Murray wouldn’t impose the idea; she’d ask Liberals to endorse it at their next convention, then leave it to local riding associations to decide whether to use it or not. It would be a one-time tactic only for the 2015 election. She stressed she is not proposing a merger with the NDP or any other party.