KenneyWatch: He’s baaa-aaack.

ITQ will be there to welcome Jason Kenney in classic ITQ liveblogging fashion, as we celebrate his triumphant return to parliamentary civilization from the Lancaster Road hinterland: 

Date: September 17, 2008  
Release:  Immediate

Secretary of State Kenney to hold Press Conference
on the risks posed by Stéphane Dion’s top policy advisor

OTTAWA – Secretary of State Jason Kenney, P.C., will be holding a press conference today – Wednesday, September 17 – at the National Press Theatre.

Ottawa, ON

2:00 PM (ET)            Press Conference 
                        National Press Theatre 
                        150 Wellington Street 
                        Ottawa, ON

ITQ will be there to welcome Jason Kenney in classic ITQ liveblogging fashion, as we celebrate his triumphant return to parliamentary civilization from the Lancaster Road hinterland: 


Date: September 17, 2008  
Release:  Immediate

Secretary of State Kenney to hold Press Conference
on the risks posed by Stéphane Dion’s top policy advisor

OTTAWA – Secretary of State Jason Kenney, P.C., will be holding a press conference today – Wednesday, September 17 – at the National Press Theatre.

Ottawa, ON

2:00 PM (ET)            Press Conference 
                        National Press Theatre 
                        150 Wellington Street 
                        Ottawa, ON

(Is it a bad sign that my first question on scanning through this release — after first accidentally misreading it to say “security risks”, which would have been even more dramatic – was — wait, who is Stephane Dion’s top policy advisor?  A quick confab with Colleague Wells suggested that Bob Rae is the most likely suspect, but we won’t know until the curtain rises on today’s edition of Good Morning Mid-Afternoon, Jason Kenney!

UPDATE: has two-posts-worth of love for the guy, even.