Men, money and democracy

Sheila Gervais argues all sorts of things, some of them no doubt contentious, about women in politics.

Sheila Gervais argues all sorts of things, some of them no doubt contentious, about women in politics.

Pierre Lortie, realizing that successful jurisdictions with respect to gender balance placed emphasis on inducements to elect more women (as opposed to just nominating them), proposed that in implementing the per-vote subsidy, an increased amount should be provided to each registered party on the basis of the number of women they get elected.

The augmented subsidy would remain until the appropriate threshold (30 per cent to 50 per cent women in Parliament) had been achieved and maintained for a reasonable period of time, say 15 years or four elections. This time would allow deportment in the House to be influenced by a greater gender balance in decision-making, and for the electorate and parties to appreciate the improvements achieved.

Our systems and processes have been designed for a male culture. And what speaks to the men who run our elections? Money. It’s the best incentive there is.