‘More functional and hence more meaningful’

The Public Policy Forum is set to convene a day’s discussion on the state of Parliamentary discourse, with specific attention to Question Period and the committee system. Assuming the day itself does not descend into mouthed platitudes and character assassination, it should be a worthwhile exercise.

The Public Policy Forum is set to convene a day’s discussion on the state of Parliamentary discourse, with specific attention to Question Period and the committee system. Assuming the day itself does not descend into mouthed platitudes and character assassination, it should be a worthwhile exercise.

The last time I wrote about the nature of QP was last March. That was more or less a response to Mark Kingwell’s essay, which also drew a response from Andrew Potter. Max Fawcett then responded to both Mr. Kingwell and I and though I intended to respond to Mr. Fawcett, I never got around to it. So maybe I’ll do that in the next couple of days.