NATO: MacKay’s late-blooming Polish friendships

Polish diplomat touts “young, super-intelligent, dynamic and resourceful” Peter MacKay to (non-satirical) Polish newspaper for NATO secretary-general. (That’s “młody, superinteligentny, dynamiczny, przedsiębiorczy,” for those of you brushing up on your Polish.) And indeed, a Polish googlenews search shows considerable interest in “kanadyjski minister obrony Peter MacKay.” One doubts that a late-blooming Turkish/Polish alliance-within-the-alliance can save the MacKay candidacy, but it is fun to watch.

Polish diplomat touts “young, super-intelligent, dynamic and resourceful” Peter MacKay to (non-satirical) Polish newspaper for NATO secretary-general. (That’s “młody, superinteligentny, dynamiczny, przedsiębiorczy,” for those of you brushing up on your Polish.) And indeed, a Polish googlenews search shows considerable interest in “kanadyjski minister obrony Peter MacKay.” One doubts that a late-blooming Turkish/Polish alliance-within-the-alliance can save the MacKay candidacy, but it is fun to watch.