On bullcrap

On the occasion of British Labour leader Ed Miliband achieving a state of talking point perfection, Charlton Brooker mourns the loss of both humanity and sanity.

On the occasion of British Labour leader Ed Miliband achieving a state of talking point perfection, Charlton Brooker mourns the loss of both humanity and sanity.

You might say it symbolises everything that’s wrong with everything. The modern world suffers from a cavernous reality deficit. You know it, I know it. Even “they” know it. Reciting the same line over and over like a Countryfile presenter practising a piece to camera, Miliband must have felt twice as mad as Green. Two men locked in a shared hallucination while the camera rolled.

It’s no surprise that politicians gabble pre-scripted taglines in order to dodge awkward questions and avoid having off-the-cuff comments inflated into a full-blown gaffe. And it’s no surprise the media routinely colludes in this surreal pantomime. But it’s only when you stand back and watch the rushes that you see how crazy the situation has become. Honestly, it gives you vertigo.