One tourist responds

Most passengers seem to understand what’s going on (their train’s been hijacked for a political campaign). Some seem a little amused. “We figured it out,” says Gerald Gossington, a retired Brit traveling to Toronto. “The demonstration in Vancouver tipped us off, of course,” adds his wife Deirdre, gazing out the window as the Rockies rush past.   

Most passengers seem to understand what’s going on (their train’s been hijacked for a political campaign). Some seem a little amused. “We figured it out,” says Gerald Gossington, a retired Brit traveling to Toronto. “The demonstration in Vancouver tipped us off, of course,” adds his wife Deirdre, gazing out the window as the Rockies rush past.   

But Deirdre, who got off the train in Kamloops to watch May stump, thinks she’s making herself—and the party—appear too fringe-ey.

“The rallies aren’t big enough. You reinforce the fact that it’s a small party. She’d be better off staying on the train—not stepping off at all. I feel sorry for her, really. It’s the same in Europe. We tend to look at the big parties, and look at their Green credentials.”