Oz the Great And Terrible Speaks…hey, who’s that little guy behind the curtain?

From the Inkless emailbox.

From the Inkless emailbox.

OTTAWA The House of Commons has formally endorsed the Speech from the Throne, signifying an expression of confidence in the Government.

Government House Leader Jay Hill moved a motion today formally requesting that the House communicate with Her Excellency Governor General Michaelle Jean, accepting the Speech from the Throne.

The text of the motion is as follows:

“That the Address be engrossed and presented to Her Excellency the Governor General by the Speaker.”

The Speech from the Throne was passed by a vote in the House of Commons on Thursday, November 27th immediately after the Finance Minister presented his Economic and Fiscal Update.

“Acceptance by the House of Commons of a Speech from the Throne is an expression of confidence in the government,” said Minister Hill. “I am pleased that the House endorsed our government’s general program, particularly with full knowledge of the content of the Economic and Fiscal update. Yesterday’s vote and today’s motion to communicate with the Governor General accepting her Speech are critical demonstrations of Parliament’s affirmation of our newly re-elected government.”