Reaction to the Speaker’s ruling

‘I think you’re going to see people rising’

Mark Warawa

I’m pleased with Speaker Scheer’s ruling that MPs have the right to seek the floor at any time.

Craig Scott

Spkr Scheer eschews metaphor of being referee. How about Solomon playing tennis? Ball is now in MPs’ court. Next days to be interesting

John Williamson

An astute ruling by the Speaker on MP statements.  He has served the Commons well today.

Leon Benoit, to reporters after QP.

Well, I think you’re going to see people rising both to make statements and ask questions.

John Ivison quotes an anonymous Conservative.

The initial reaction from Conservative MPs calling for a loosening of party control was positive. “It puts the issue back in the House,” said one MP. “It’s now up to us if we are to safeguard free speech. It will take a courageous response from MPs. Do I think they will step up? I do. It may be uncomfortable in the beginning but they will.”