Someone’s looking to get kicked out of caucus

Another excerpt from Saturday’s panel discussion. This from Conservative Senator Patrick Brazeau.

Another excerpt from Saturday’s panel discussion. This from Conservative Senator Patrick Brazeau.

We have to stand up for what we believe in, as opposed to what we’re against. And I think, it doesn’t matter what walk of life, what type of work you do, what type of studies you do, everybody, by human nature, is looking for leadership. And I think that, often times, unfortunately, we get into the game of also opposing and such as the attack ads, for example. I would much rather, as a Canadian citizen, see what our government is working towards, what they’ve achieved and what they actually believe in, as opposed to doing the easy work, such as the attack on the Dion campaign for example, where I don’t think the attack ads were necessary. I think the individual spoke for himself … But it’s a question of leadership, standing up for what you believe in and individuals will attach themselves to that. I think that’s what’s needed.