Taxing the rich, only different

Nathan Cullen has quibbled with Brian Topp’s tax proposals, but Mr. Cullen’s plan is rather similar.

Nathan Cullen has quibbled with Brian Topp’s tax proposals, but Mr. Cullen’s plan is rather similar.

Mr. Topp proposes to tax those earning more than $250,000 at a rate of 35%. Mr. Cullen proposes to tax those earning more than $300,000 at a rate in the “low 30s.”

Mr. Topp proposes to raise the corporate tax rate to 22.12%. Mr. Cullen proposes to raise the corporate tax rate to 20%, except for oil and gas companies, which would be taxed at a rate of 25%.

Mr. Topp adds two measures which apparently aren’t in Mr. Cullen’s plan: taxing capital gains (with two caveats) as ordinary income and taxing income from cashing in stock options at the full rate.