‘The Conservative party is Canada’s party’

The text of the Prime Minister’s remarks to the Conservative caucus this morning.

The text of the Prime Minister’s remarks to the Conservative caucus this morning.

Chers collègues, chers amis, nous vivons un moment passionnant.  Nous avons toutes les raisons de célébrer, toutes les raisons d’espérer.  These outstanding Canadians now joining our ranks helped us win our third mandate, our strongest mandate, a majority mandate for Canada.

I don’t really get tired of using that word.

Mais nous nouveaux collègues sont aussi un signe de notre croissance en tant que Conservateurs.

A sign that Canadians of all regions and backgrounds have found a home in our Conservative Party, that Conservative values are Canadian values and that the Conservative Party is Canada’s party.

Friends, as you know, during the campaign, I promised that if Canadians gave us a renewed mandate, we would hit the ground running and here we are back to work as promised, I’m told — my staff checked — the second quickest in history.  On Friday, we will have the Throne Speech and, on Monday, Minister Flaherty will reintroduce our budget, the next phase of Canada’s Economic Action Plan.

Nous allons respecter le mandat que nous ont donné les Canadiennes et les Canadiens, rester concentré sur l’économie, compléter notre reprise et éliminer le déficit.  En d’autres mots, poursuivre notre plan pour maintenir les taxes et les impôts bas pour la création d’emplois et la croissance économique.

But at the outset of this new mandate, there is another sense in which we must get back to work.  Even as a majority government, especially in fact as a majority government, we must keep working to earn the trust of our fellow citizens.  We must continue practising the lessons of the past five years, holding to our principles but also listening, caring and adapting.

Friends and colleagues, as we get back to work for Canadians, I encourage you to pause and reflect.  Tomorrow, these new members of our caucus will enter the House of Commons and take their seats for the first time in this new Parliament.

Je vous encourage à savourer ce moment mais par-dessus tout je vous encourage de vous en souvenir aussi longtemps que vous serez ici.

I remember my first day and I think that the experience was not unusual.  The room seemed inspiring and humbling at the same time.

Inspirante car sa dignité convient au mandat que nous a été confié et nous rendant humble car elle nous rappelle constamment que nous servons un grand pays, que nous sommes responsables d’un héritage précieux.

What a privilege it is for all us Members of Parliament to have such a role in building this magnificent country, our Canada.

Remember always these things about our country.  Its history is greater than our individual achievements.  Its future is more promising than our political careers.  It is the land of ancient Aboriginal societies. It is the enduring partnership of Macdonald, Cartier and their colleagues.  It is the place where people of all cultures come from the world over to live in freedom, democracy and justice together.

En tant que Conservateurs, nous nous jugeons en fonction de notre loyauté envers cet héritage.  Alors que nous reprenons le travail, en tant que les Canadiens et Canadiennes nous demanderont de rester en poste, rappelons-nous notre première journée au Parlement.

Let the memory of our first day as Members of Parliament continue to inspire us all.  Even more, let it keep us humble in the service of our country.

Merci beaucoup.