Vive la coalitionne. At least for now.

Various observers, including our Andrews, have been giving the coalition a good kicking over the last few days. That’s fair.

Various observers, including our Andrews, have been giving the coalition a good kicking over the last few days. That’s fair.

But just to be clear, at least as the situation has been presented to me by various sources, the coalition is not dead. It may be destined to die. It may be dying. But it is not dead. Nor does it seem necessarily likely that it will expire, at least so far as those involved are concerned.

Now, Ignatieff is due to come out of Liberal caucus anytime now. And he will speak later this afternoon at the National Press Theatre. He may say something at one or both of those opportunities to cast doubt on the coalition’s life expectancy. And, either way, his actions over the next few weeks will go a long way towards determining the coalition’s chances.

But the coalition, at this moment, lives. Everything else is speculative.

Just saying.