‘We’ll look to eliminate it’

The Prime Minister’s response yesterday to a question about a Sun report that various environmental groups have received government funding.

The Prime Minister’s response yesterday to a question about a Sun report that various environmental groups have received government funding.

I think what most Canadians believe and understand is that you have to put a priority both on growth and economic development, and also on environmental protection. This government and most Canadians understand that if you act prudently and appropriately, you can serve both of those interests. There are obviously some organizations that oppose development on principle, and I think that is way out of the Canadian mainstream. You’re asking me if, and I don’t know all of the facts, we’re certainly trying to comb through our spending to make sure it’s all appropriate. If it’s the case that we’re spending on organizations that are doing things contrary to government policy, I think that is an inappropriate use of taxpayers’ money and we’ll look to eliminate it.